Hundreds of films and series, popular TV Markíza programs rather than on television, attractive sports broadcasts, and all without ads and without strings attached.For example, he scolded us for not being at the SZM meeting, the entertainer revealed.Family, friends and classmates.These are the three relationship groups that accompany us through life.Especially the last one is very important, not only in working life.Of course, even contemporary politicians had different classmates.Some of them are nameless people, while others act like them in public life.Prime Minister Robert Fico is no exception, who was bombarded by entertainer and classmate Robo Kajzer in the Smotánka show.Together they broke the school desks in two schools - the elementary school and the gymnasium in Topoľčany.How was FIco at school?"Our Robert was always quite clever and wise. He didn't even have problems like the rest of us, normal people. I don't have much to say about him, only that he was hardworking. He scolded us, for example, for not being at the SZM meeting," he revealed with laughing Smotánka.Kajzer also talked about whether babies flew to Fico."He was such a handsome man, always. There were only a few of us prettier than him," he added with a smile.How did the prime minister do in the physical exam?You can find the answer in the video from the show Smotánka.Watch Televízne noviny in full HD and without ads on VOYO© 2022 MARKÍZA - SLOVAKIA, spol.s ro, Bratislavská 1/a, 843 56 BratislavaThe company MARKÍZA - SLOVAKIA, spol.s ro uses the TASR news service, the content of which is protected by copyright law.TASR - All rights reserved.The publication or further distribution of news, photos and records from TASR sources without the prior written consent of TASR is a violation of copyright law.© 2022 The Associated Press (AP) - all rights reserved.AP materials may not be republished, broadcast, transcribed or redistributed.